Wilson Music Series 2025: Cuban Art Song Project

Wilson Music Series 2025: Cuban Art Song Project

Cuban Art Song Project. Isabella Lamadriz and Pablo Zinger will perform an hour of Cuban love songs in celebration of Valentine’s Day. The Cuban Art Song Project (CASP) seeks to promote underperformed Cuban art song, zarzuela, and popular music and to encourage the...
Wilson Music Series: Champlain Trio on 3/30

Wilson Music Series: Champlain Trio on 3/30

March 30, 3:00 p.m. (please note different start time) – Champlain Trio – Violinist Letitia Quante, cellist Emily Taubl, and pianist Hiromi Fukuda came together as an ensemble in the spring of 2020. All three musicians earned degrees from The Juilliard School among...
Wilson Music Series: Justin Murphy-Mancini on 3/23

Wilson Music Series: Justin Murphy-Mancini on 3/23

Justin Murphy-Mancini, organist will perform on Sunday, March 23 at 4pm. Former Director of Church Music at First Religious Society UU and current Paul Fritts Endowed Chair; Assistant Professor of Music, Organ at Pacific Lutheran University, Justin is a keyboardist...
Wilson Music Series: Improbable Beasts on 3/2

Wilson Music Series: Improbable Beasts on 3/2

Improbable Beasts will perform at FRS on Sunday, March 2 at 4pm. They are a Boston-based professional bass clarinet ensemble dedicated to bringing the deeply expressive power of multiple bass clarinets before a broad audience, their repertoire ranges from Renaissance...
Scott Ouellette Guitar Concert

Scott Ouellette Guitar Concert

On Saturday, January 11 from 3-4pm join Scott Ouellette in the Sanctuary for a guitar concert. Scott is a self-taught fingerstyle guitarist living on the east coast of the United States. He first began playing the guitar at age 7, listening mostly to popular rock...
The Jean C. Wilson Music Series 2025

The Jean C. Wilson Music Series 2025

Another winter season is upon us! We are excited to announce the 2025 Jean C. Wilson Music Series, featuring some new performers. All programs will be presented live in the Sanctuary and online on YouTube. February 23, 4:00 p.m. – Cuban Art Song Project – The Cuban...

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