“Together we can do that which we cannot do alone.” – Rev. Rebecca Bryan
As we transition from slow, languid summer days to the brisk busyness of fall and getting back to church and its related business, it is an opportune time to take a moment and refocus our intentions of engagement for the coming year. In a month where the ministry theme calls for connection, many may be asking “how” or thinking perhaps “I’m already too busy”. It is tempting to answer the call for connection and engagement with the modern-day feeling of overwhelm. Yet, when we do this, we miss opportunities to make crucial contributions that strengthen our connections and “the power of we” here at FRS and within our broader community. The UUA saw the deep importance of this and took up “the power of we” as its theme for the 2019 General Assembly. The larger message is simple, there can be no larger “power of we” without each individual connecting and making their own contributions to the whole. Perhaps you connect by contributing a dish to share or taking on a regular task to support church staff or bravely finding attitudes within yourself you wish to challenge. All of these contributions are important and integral to how we connect and create “the power of we” here at FRS. So, I invite you to take a moment to think what connection and “the power of we” means to you and to FRS, and to find some new ways that stretch how you connect and engage.
Upcoming opportunities to connect, engage and strengthen our “power of we”
Ministry of Fellowship and Life-long Learning
- Find your lineage at FRS Alliance “The New Genealogy” presentation by Wendy Whiston. Read more.
- Reflect and connect by signing up for a Chalice Circle. Read more.
- Explore a woman-honoring, adult religious education program by reserving your spot for the Cakes for the Queen of Heaven workshop series. Read more.
Ministry of Governance and Leadership
- Commit to mission-vision engagement and participation (see feature story left)
- Volunteer for the newly forming A/V (audio/visual) ministry (email Director of Community Engagement, Nicole Salemi)
- Cultivate joyful generosity by joining the Stewardship team. Read more.
Ministry of Justice Action (JAM)
- Peruse our booths and learn about FRS groups and committees at the Passion Action fair. Read more.
- Bring your ideas to JAM discussion on ending mass incarceration. Read more.
- Throw your hammer in the ring for a Habitat for Humanity build date. Read more.
- Be a friend to the Earth and join Climate Action Project. Read more.
Ministry of Music and Arts
- Let your voice shine through and sing in the choir (email Director of Church Music Justin Murphy-Mancini)
Ministry of Outreach
- Say yes to upcoming Willing to Connect program (details to come in a future Steeple)
- Be a greeter, chalice lighter or usher on Sundays (email Director of Community Engagement, Nicole Salemi)
- Help plan food and fun at this year’s Considering Membership workshops (email Director of Community Engagement, Nicole Salemi)
- Don’t miss an event – like our FaceBook page (https://www.facebook.com/frsuu) and be sure to check the “events” tab
- Share in the community – join our FRS members and friends group on FaceBook
- Stay up to date on church news and opportunities to engage and connect (https://www.frsuu.org/news)
- Offer up your special skill by contacting Director of Community Engagement, Nicole Salemi.
Ministry of Worship and Spiritual Growth
- Plan to lunch and worship at Wizards and Sages on September 25. Read more.
- Visit a Wednesday night worship, stay for a meal on Oct. 16 (and every third Wednesday of the month after). Read more.
- Let your curiosity get the better of you – attend the Oct. 20 Considering Membership workshop. Read more.
- Rise and be seen – participate in Nov. 3 New Member Sunday. Read more.
- Spread the love – attend a Sunday worship service – (see sermon descriptions.)
- Comfort and celebrate with each other – share your joys or concerns in the new “Between Us” (email betweenus@frsuu.org)
- Share your private prayers with Rev. Rebecca and take a blessing at the new prayer table outside her office. Leave your prayers in the vase provided, take a blessing from the bowl before you go.
There are many, many other ways unlisted here to engage and connect with each other at FRS. Find your special way of how you can be in service to our “power of we”. I’ll leave you with the ending thought from the fall edition of UU World’s article “The Power of We”:
“…everyone deserves to be asked, ‘What do you need to make this your church?’…Another way to think about this is: How do we live with a deep and abiding commitment to the call of the power of we?” – The Rev. Sofia Betancourt, assistant professor of UU theologies and ethics at Starr King School for the Ministry, UU World, Fall 2019, “The Power of We”
For more on the UUA General Assembly theme conversation, “The Power of We”, see the Fall edition of UU World or visit http://bit.ly/GA-we
-Nicole Salemi, director of community engagement