Dear members and friends,
We are going virtual!
To protect the health and safety of everyone, the church buildings will be closed effective 5pm, Saturday, March 14 through at least March 30th. All activities including worship and any size meetings will happen online.
We are fortunate to have an amazing streaming set up for Sunday worship services and access to online Zoom video conferencing for other programs and meetings. We will evaluate the feasibility of resuming in-person worship and meetings as of April 1st, and you will be the first to know.
During this time, you can stay connected in many ways. Sunday worship services will be streamed online at 10:30am. You may subscribe to our live stream ahead of time or access the day of at You will also receive a link to the live stream before the start of service.
You will also be able to connect every day through our 30-minute online programs. Be sure to mark your calendars and participate as you are able.
Next week’s schedule includes:
- Sunday evening, March 15, 7pm — “Bedtime Story” for children and all ages, read by Reverend Rebecca and Mara Flynn. (See below for Zoom access information to this service.)
- Monday, March 16, 1pm and 6pm — Justin Murphy Mancini, “At the Organ”
- Tuesday, March 17, 11am — Julie Parker Amery, “Reflection and spiritual talk”
- Wednesday, March 18, Noon — Rev. Rebecca, “Let’s Do Lunch” – a virtual potluck – bring you lunch and join the discussion topic of the day
- Thursday, March 19, 7pm — Reflection by Rev. Rebecca, “The Abyss of Aloneness: A Way to Know Connection When You are Alone”
- Friday, March 20, Noon — Julie Parker Amery, “Let’s Do Lunch” – a virtual potluck – bring you lunch and join the discussion topic of the day
These services on Sunday and through the week are a great opportunity to introduce FRS to friends and neighbors who are looking for ways to connect.
Remember too that we are starting a phone tree to keep those who must stay home connected to the church community. Please email Rev. Rebecca,, and Susan Ricker,, if you would like to be added to the list to receive calls and connect with others who are also at home. Pastoral Care Associates are assembling the list, and someone will be in touch with you soon.
Kristen Fehlhaber will be reaching out to program organizers to discuss holding your group online. The church has a Zoom video conferencing service which all groups are welcome to use with advance notice. To schedule a Zoom conference, contact Kristen Fehlhaber,
Please note that our account allows us to have only one meeting at a time; meetings cannot be occurring simultaneously.
Above all, stay connected to individuals and the whole of this beloved community. The love here and among us holds and sustains us, when we are together and – even more – when we are apart. For love is the doctrine of this church. And that love is real, present and among us now. Can you feel it? I look forward to connecting to it in creative ways over the days ahead, together.
As the days follow here are a few ideas to consider:
1. Have you called someone from church today?
2. Is there a favorite sermon archived online that you would like to read again?
3. Did you send in your pledge yet? (Pledge online:
4. Spend time in contemplation and send love and healing wishes to our beloved congregation and to the world.
5. Give yourself a hug, and know that it is coming from me and your friends at FRS.
6. Think to yourself, “temporary, temporary, temporary” and then turn to a happy memory.
The staff, your fellow congregants and I are here for you, always.
With love and faith,
Rev. Rebecca
Weekday Service via Zoom
Sunday evening, March 15, 7pm
“Bedtime Story” for children and all ages, read by Reverend Rebecca and Mara Flynn.
Both online video or audio only access are available for this service.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Sunday Worship Service
March 15—Values, Mission and Ends – OH MY!
Giving Sunday continues.
It’s the time we’ve all been waiting for when the proposed values, mission, and ends for FRS will be shared. Rev. Rebecca and Julie Parker Amery will be reflecting on the role of values and mission in our individual and congregational life. Together they will help us to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and imagine the future.
FRS staff
are here for you
Rev. Rebecca Bryan
Religious Education Assistant
Sharon Broll
Office Administrator
Diane Carroll
Director of Finance and Administration
Kristen Fehlhaber
Acting Director of Children’s Ministry
Mara Flynn
Director of Church Music
Justin Murphy-Mancini
Youth Music Director
Kristen Miller
Director of Faith Formation and Spiritual Exploration
Julie Parker Amery
Don Rogers
Director of Community Engagement
Nicole Salemi