Mission & Vision
Thank you!
Over 186 members and friends gathered and generated 150 values, 183 highlights about FRS revealed through individual stories, and 441 wishes for what you imagine in the future for FRS. To say we couldn’t have done it without you is an understatement. Thank you for all of this contribution.
it passed unanimously at the Congregational meeting!
are those timeless qualities we seek to embody in all we do
- Authentic Connection
- Courageous Action
- Love
- Spirituality
- Wonder
looks at what is our transcendent purpose and whose lives will we change
Come as you are
Journey together in love
Act with courage
Transform our world
are intended to be more specific, answering the question what measurable difference will we make and for whom?
Together we, across the lifespan:
- Connect to spirituality, joy and wonder in diverse worship and music experiences that develop lives of courage, meaning, hope, and love.
- Articulate our individual and congregational Unitarian Universalist identity, deepen our understanding of it, teach it to our children, and live it in the world.
- Foster an authentic intergenerational church community.
- Welcome people in all their diversity and create belonging for one another.
- Support one another in the joys, sorrows, and transitions of our life journeys.
- Work in partnership, as individuals and as a congregation, to advance justice and put courageous love in service to our community and our world.
- Honor our FRS and UU heritage as we journey together.