
Welcome to First Religious Society, a place where you will be welcomed regardless of your age, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status. A place where you can grow spiritually, morally and intellectually.


Welcome to First Religious Society, a place where you will be welcomed regardless of your age, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status. A place where you can grow spiritually, morally and intellectually.


Welcome to First Religious Society, a place where you will be welcomed regardless of your age, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status. A place where you can grow spiritually, morally and intellectually.

February Theme: Relationships

Annual Ministry Theme: Truth


Becoming (More of a) Both/And People



Sunday, February 16, 2025
Becoming (More of a) Both/And People
10:30am with livestream on YouTube

We Unitarian Universalists often speak of seeking to be in “right relationship” with each other, and perhaps especially with people who have been marginalized. What about right relationship with those who disagree with our goals for our community? It seems a crucial question for a nation, a society, a “body politic” as divided as ours. Rev. Stan Barrett, one of our Affiliate Ministers and an FRS member since 2002, has wondered intensely about this question for at least the last four years. He’s not sure how much he has to show for it, but he does have some ideas. As our beloved Minister Emeritus Harold Babcock used to say, “The sermon will investigate.”

“Deep democracy is our sense that the world is here to help us become our entire selves, and that we are here to help the world become whole.” –Arnold Mindell

Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Caste Congregational-Wide Read and Discussion – Makeup Zoom session
7pm on Zoom – see last Wednesday’s Steeple newsletter for details and Zoom link.

The Caste Congregational read continues this week. This session is for anyone who missed the Zoom session last Sunday (2/9/25). In each session we will have discussion questions that address specific sections of the book and help us better understand how we as a community can live into the 8th Principle we adopted in 2024.

DATE CHANGE: Congregational Board Discussion

The Congregational Board Discussion has been rescheduled to February 23 when it will be part of the worship service. More details to come soon.

Rev. Rebecca’s Faithful Response After the Election

The Latest News & Events

Valentine Making with Tinkerhaus ($20)

Valentine Making with Tinkerhaus ($20)

For the sixth year in a row, Tinkerhaus will be hosting a Valentine Making Event. This year it will be at Parish Hall starting at 6:30pm. Learn from Barbara Burns Dore for paper crafting tips and make Valentines for your own sweeties and some to share with local...

FRS Green Team Potluck and Beyond Plastics Presentation

FRS Green Team Potluck and Beyond Plastics Presentation

On Wednesday, January 29 we invite all to share a potluck supper at 6 pm, followed by a talk and discussion on the risk of plastics and the associated plastic waste in our lives and for our environment. Molly Ettenborough, of the Newburyport Department of Recycling,...

Mystic and Contemplative Circles and Services – Winter 2025

Mystic and Contemplative Circles and Services – Winter 2025

The Mystic and Contemplative Circles and Services will begin again this winter on February 25. This program designed to create opportunities to explore pathways for opening to Spirit and sharing in sacred circles. These gatherings are intended to be opportunities to...

Men’s Group Breakfast: Celebrating Women

Men’s Group Breakfast: Celebrating Women

On Saturday, January 11 from 8–10am The FRS Men’s Group will be cooking a deluxe breakfast honoring women as an FRSUU auction item. We hope to sell 100 tickets to this event. All women are welcome regardless of payment. The suggested donation is $20/person and...

Scott Ouellette Guitar Concert

Scott Ouellette Guitar Concert

On Saturday, January 11 from 3-4pm join Scott Ouellette in the Sanctuary for a guitar concert. Scott is a self-taught fingerstyle guitarist living on the east coast of the United States. He first began playing the guitar at age 7, listening mostly to popular rock...

Exploring Elderhood Together: Brain Health Through Movement

Exploring Elderhood Together: Brain Health Through Movement

Presented by Exploring Elderhood Together on Thursday, January 16 from 1-2:30pm with Guest Speaker Ree Coleman, Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and more. Join us as we explore the connection between movement and brain health. We’ll start with a short video of Dr....

Post Inauguration Service

Post Inauguration Service

Join Rev. Rebecca and Rev. Laurel on Tuesday, January 21 from 6-7pm for this post-inauguration service in the sanctuary. In this time of immense change and uncertainty, it matters that we gather in community, root down into our deepest values, and remember that we...

Breath Work with Sally Cote

Breath Work with Sally Cote

Join Kundalini Yoga teacher Sally Cote on Wednesday, January 22 from 7-8:15pm from Roots to Wings Yoga Studio in Newbury, MA for a beginner-friendly breath work class design to soothe your nervous system and reduce stress.

Tour the FRS Campus and Buildings

Follow our drone footage as we fly to the top of FRS’s steeple featuring a glass-eyed gilded weathercock which overlooks downtown Newburyport and Merrimack River. From there, you’ll get a first-hand look at our campus grounds and the interior of our meetinghouse and Sanctuary which dates back to 1801. Rev. Rebecca, our Senior Minister, welcomes you and ALL who seek a place of spiritual community and faith here. To close, Nick Place, our Director of Church Music, plays the organ which dates back to 1834 and we close with a view of the bell from the foundry of Paul Revere and Sons bell.

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