On February 27, Rev. Rebecca gave the opening prayer at Newburyport Mayor Donna Holaday’s state of the city address: 

Spirit of Life, God of so many names, and no name, be with us now.  

Bless this gathering.  

Bless the city for which we assemble and bless its inhabitants.  

We come this evening with hopes, curiosities and interests.  

Let us learn from one another and find ways to know that our commitment matters and realize that our actions are a part of the fabric of this community that we call home.  

May our minds be open to retain the history of this beloved city so that we may learn from its past and plan for its future.  

May our hearts be open to the beauty that abounds in these our natural surroundings and that is illumined as well in the eyes of our neighbors and friends.  

May we remember tonight and every day that we are different and that we are alike, that we all love, we all hurt, and we all care deeply about things that matter to us. 

Let every stranger become our neighbor and every visitor be our welcome guest.  

Let us treat each other with kindness, compassion and respect 

so that we may learn from one another, discover our shared vision, and build a stronger community for all who live here now and all who have yet to come.  

Above all, may ours be a city of peace, a place that helps us to uphold our values and in which we are all free to live our dreams and offer our gifts and our service to this, our community.  


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