January Wizards and Sages

January Wizards and Sages

Wednesday, January 22, Sanctuary and Lower Meeting House, noon-1:30pm. The Wizards and Sages will meet every 4th Wednesday of the month. We start in the sanctuary with a brief worship service led this month by Director of Faith Formation and Spiritual Exploration...
January Wizards and Sages

November Wizards and Sages

Wednesday, November 27, Sanctuary and Lower Meeting House, noon-1:30pm. The Wizards and Sages will meet every 4th Wednesday of the month. We start in the sanctuary with a brief worship service led this month by Director of Church Music Justin Murphy-Mancini, after...
Seeking Summer Pen Pals 

Seeking Summer Pen Pals 

Remember the old days when you had a pen pal and couldn’t wait for the mail to come? We’re looking for people who want to relive that experience and bring it to the younger generation. Sign up to be a pen pal to a Young Church child; exchange postcards/notes over the...

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