Apr 18, 2019 | Events, Music
Wednesday, May 1, Sanctuary, 8pm. May’s Jazz Vespers will feature the award-winning Pentucket Jazz Ensemble led by acclaimed director David Schumacher. Jazz Vespers celebrates the inspiration of jazz, swing and blues music and offers readings and time for silent...
Mar 20, 2019 | Music, Worship
Wednesday, April 3, Sanctuary, 8pm This Jazz Vespers will feature reader Cyd Raschke who will read secular meditations from January’s 21-day Spiritual Practice. Music by the Vespers House Band directed by Lark Madden. Jazz Vespers celebrates the inspiration of jazz,...
Feb 19, 2019 | Music, Worship
Wednesday, March 6: Jazz Vespers Service. Sanctuary, 8pm. This month’s Jazz Vespers will feature reader John Mercer who will read the extraordinary poetry of Richard Wilbur whose family attends our church. Music by the Vespers House Band directed by Lark Madden with...