Oct 23, 2019 | Climate Action, Events
Sunday, November 17, Lower Meeting House Public, noon–1:30pm. How do we consume in a way that does justice to others – both human and non-human? This was a question of profound concern to our Native American ancestors. Whether we are foraging for berries or going to...
Apr 2, 2019 | Events, Social Justice
Sunday, April 28, Lower Meeting House, Room A&B, noon-1pm. As many of you know, nineteen of our teenagers have been preparing for a trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation in June. We invite the congregation to learn along with us on Sunday, April 28. Join us for a...
Mar 20, 2019 | Climate Action, Events
Sunday, March 24, Lower Meeting House Public, 11:45am. Join the FRS Youth Group and young members of the Gulf of Maine Institute (GOMI) in a lively, collective multi-generation conversation on “Taking care of yourself and others during extreme weather”. Led and...