April 1st, 2020 


Dear Ones,  

It has been a while since I’ve written you, or hasn’t it been? Time is distorted these days; a day can feel like a year, while a week can feel like a blink of an eye. We are living in a time unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. It puts so much into perspective. I find that each day brings new feelings, regardless of the seeming flatness or lack of change around us.  

It reminds me of Rumi’s poem The Guest House. 

This being human is a guest house. 

Every morning a new arrival. 


A joy, a depression, a meanness, 

some momentary awareness comes 

as an unexpected visitor. 


Welcome and entertain them all! 

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, 

who violently sweep your house 

empty of its furniture, 

still treat each guest honorably. 

He may be clearing you out 

for some new delight. 


The dark thought, the shame, the malice, 

meet them at the door laughing and invite them in. 


Be grateful for whatever comes. 

because each has been sent 

as a guide from beyond. 


When I’m not observing my emotions, participating in Zoom meetings, or learning how to operate a virtual church, I spend my time reflecting on what is most important. At the top of that list are this church and each of you. 


Truly, little matters more than relationship, be that with family, friends, or neighbors. Without relationship, life can be devoid of that sweet nectar or juice that makes things worth doing. We are in relationship with people, nature, ourselves, and the universe. During this time of COVID-19, we are learning that there are more ways to be in relationship than we realized. We are also realizing that the traditional ways are sacred hugs, handshakes, and even friendly jostling in the street. We now treasure what we may once have been inclined to take for granted.  


We will get through this time. We are getting through it, not to say without pain or fear, but because of our relationships and each other. Please let us know how you are doing. Stay in relationship with the FRS and others in your life. Don’t pull back now. Bring us your whole self, your beautiful self. We need you, and we love you.  


Yours in faith and strength,  

Rev. Rebecca  

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