It is time to create a future vision of our engaged and loving community.
Quick List of Important Contacts and Links
Read “A Call to Create: FRSUU Mission & Vision”:
Questions? Email:
Reserve Your Spot:
(You may also sign up before or after Sunday worship services. See one of the core team members in the vestibule.)
FRS Web page:
Welcome to Mission Vision Video:
FRS &U podcast on The Powerful Question:
PDF Mission Vision Brochure:
(print versions are available throughout the church and at the front office.)
Logistics and Some Helpful Terms to Know
Congregational Conversation
The fun, interactive facilitated session where the process of exploring and identifying core values and purpose will take place. This work will inform the creation of our mission vision. Read the Mission Vision Brochure.
Location of Congregational Conversation Session
All sessions take place in the Lower Meeting Hall, Room A&B. Light refreshments will be provided at each session. Ten sessions are being offered. Peruse the dates and time and sign up. If your ideal spot is marked full, email and a mission vision core team member will assist you. We want to make sure everyone can attend a session that works for them.
I’m in need of childcare
If you are in need of childcare, can attend a session but it is showing as filled, or have any other questions, email our mission vision core team at They will be happy to sort through any details to make sure you can attend.
Mission Vision Core Team
A group of three FRS members who are charged with all of the planning and support work to make these congregational conversations a success. Core team members: Tom Himmel, Forrest Speck and Renee Wolf-Foster. Contact core team members at
Unity Consulting
At the Annual Meeting last June, the congregation approved the engagement of Unity Consulting to help guide us through the Mission and Vision Process. To learn more about Unity Consulting and the nested bowl process, please visit their website: