Dear Members and Friends,
We want to encourage all of you to let us know your thoughts about our visioning work.
Last Sunday we introduced the values, mission and ends at the online Worship Service.
If you missed it, see our Mission & Vision page,, for details.
Virtual Guided Discussion Dates and Times
We are holding virtual guided discussions via Zoom sessions on the following dates and times:
Session 1 – Daytime – Tuesday, March 24, 9-10:30am
Session 2 – Evening – Wednesday, March 25, 6:30-8pm
Session 3 – Sunday midday – Sunday, April 5, 12:30-2pm
To join, click on a meeting link above. To dial in by phone – to any session – dial (646) 558-8656 and enter Meeting ID 484 818 6518#
It’s easy!!
Members of the Parish Board will be attending each session to hear directly from you.
Please sign up in advance for a session:
If you decide to join at the last minute, drop-ins will be welcome to any of the sessions. Just use the access information listed above for the date you are attending.
Rev. Rebecca offers this thought on moving forward with this work:
“Now more than ever we need to come together as a community. What better way to do that than around our updated values, mission and ends. These will be our guideposts in the days, weeks and months ahead. Hope to see you online!”
This is a wonderful thing to do in this forced idleness of the COVID-19 shutdown and a splendid way to participate in mapping the future direction of the First Religious Society. Please join us.
Forrest Speck
Mission & Vision Core Team
Parish Board member
PS – We look forward to hearing from you at one of these sessions. Please sign up today! A brief video introduction to the mission/vision and much more can be found here –