Personal Care Drive & Joy of Giving
The Community Human Services Committee is sponsoring two drives assisting those in need during the month of November.
Community Service of Newburyport Personal Care Drive
The committee’s annual Community Service of Newburyport Personal Care Drive takes place in November. You can support this project by bringing items to the table in the vestibule, and/or make a donation and we will do your shopping. A member of the committee will be collecting cash donations after church each Sunday in November. Personal care items—such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, paper towels, toilet paper, soap, shampoo, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, diapers and shaving cream—can be left on the table in the vestibule. A list of grocery suggestions will also be available on the table. The Community Service of Newburyport agency counts on our donations in November to resupply their shelves for the winter months. Any questions, please contact Linda Buddenhagen, 978-463-0882.
The Joy of Giving
Each year, the committee invites children from Kelleher Gardens, Newburyport’s family public housing, to “shop” for free for a holiday gift for their parents or caregivers. We welcome donations of lotions, scarves, gloves, tools, home décor, etc. Many of us receive more of these gifts than we know what to do with. Please donate new/unused items (or gift bags!) to our table in the vestibule between Nov. 3 and Dec. 1. We welcome volunteers to help with the Dec. 6th event. Questions, contact Nancy Crochiere.