Justice Sunday-Potluck

Sunday, April 27, Lower Meetinghouse, 11:45am-12:45pm. Following worship, join the Green Team for a sandwich and cold sides luncheon.

Justice Sunday – Anti-Racism Initiative

Sunday, January 19, Parish Hall 1st Floor, noon-1pm. Please join the Anti-Racism Initiative team for Justice Sunday after the MLK service! We look forward to sharing soup, salad and a recorded interview with Isabel Wilkerson, author of Caste, in anticipation of our...

Justice Sunday – Refugee Immigration Ministry

Sunday, December 1, Parish Hall, Soup & Salad at 11:30 am; presentation at noon. When immigrants to the United States apply for asylum, they are not allowed to work for the following six months. How can they survive with no income? For 38 years, RIM, the Refugee...

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