“Celebrating Our Many Visions” is an interactive display in the Tiny Gallery and lower meeting house showcasing posters created during our mission/vision workshops this past fall. The posters were created by small groups in the workshops, depicting our vision of the First Religious Society in the future.
One hundred eighty six people—members, friends, youth, and staff—participated in the workshops. One hundred fifty values, 183 stories, and 441 wishes for the future of the congregation were recorded and subsequently utilized by the Board at a retreat in January in which it furthered the process of articulating our mission and vision.
We hope you’ll take some time to look at the posters, which will rotate over the next month. As you do, ask yourself:
What connections can you make between them/what common themes do you see?
How do you feel when you take them all in?
Two journals are on a table by the entry to the Tiny Gallery. You’re encouraged to record your answers to the above questions there.