BLM Banner at FRS Vandalized

BLM Banner at FRS Vandalized

We are saddened, but not moved to retaliation, with the recent vandalism of our Black Lives Matter sign on our church building. We will not react with hate or vitriol; however, we will not accept this either.   I ask that whoever did this think of its impact,...
The Alliance Christmas Luncheon

The Alliance Christmas Luncheon

Wednesday, December 11, Ithaki Restaurant, Ipswich, noon. Bring a wrapped $10.00 gift for the Yankee swap. If going RSVP to Nancy Colby, 978-463-0693. All are welcome. 
Alliance Off-Site Picnic and Board Meeting June 12

Alliance Off-Site Picnic and Board Meeting June 12

Waterfront home of Cecilia and Paul Healy, 8 N Street Newburyport, Plum Island, noon. Each guest should bring her or his own bagged lunch and, if able, a dish to share. The Alliance will provide beverages, a sheet cake for dessert, and one gluten-free dessert option....
The Alliance presents – “With This Key”

The Alliance presents – “With This Key”

Wednesday, April 10, Lower Meeting House Public, 1-2pm. “With This Key” – John Mercer will present an exploration on sonnets in poetry. All are welcome. Note: the presentation on Olivia Langdon, Mark Twain’s wife has been postponed. A...

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