Short Story Group
LMH Room A 26 Pleasant St, NewburyportSpecial meeting time for this date only. LMH Room A, 11am (with a Zoom option available). For more information please visit:
FRSUU Events Calendar
This calendar lists FRSUU activities inside our buildings and in the community. It also shows when FRSUU spaces are being reserved by outside groups. Click on an event to see its location and more information.
If you need to reserve space for your meeting or event, please fill out [this form].
For questions regarding church ministry related events and meetings, please contact the Church Administrator at
For external inquiries including private events and rentals please contact
Special meeting time for this date only. LMH Room A, 11am (with a Zoom option available). For more information please visit:
Join us for "Sanctuary in the Sanctuary" Election Week daytime service from 12:00-1:00pm on Monday, November 4th through Wednesday, November 6th. The noon time services will be quiet, simple, contemplative services designed to calm the nerves, create solidarity and build community.
Tuesday, November 5, LMH Room A, 3-4pm.
Join us for Spirit Strong: Election Week Services Monday, November 4th through Wednesday, November 6th from 7:00-8:00pm. The Monday service will be intergenerational, and Tuesday and Wednesday services will be led by Rev. Rebecca. There will also be a Sanctuary in the Sanctuary Service daytime offering from 12:00-1:00pm. The noon time services will be quiet, simple, contemplative services designed to calm the nerves, create solidarity and build community. Come together with your FRS community for strength, solidarity, and peace. *Note there will no longer be a Mystic and Contemplative Circles and Services meeting held on 11/5. This will replace that gathering. Evening services: Monday, Nov. 4. Reverends Jane Tuohy and Laurel Gray, Tuesday, Nov. 5. Rev. Rebecca Bryan, Wednesday, Nov. 6. Rev. Rebecca Bryan Noon time contemplation services: Monday Nov. 4. Rabbi Alex Matthews, Tuesday, Nov. 5. Rev. Stan Barrett ( Sufi teacher), Wednesday, Nov.6. Rev. Jane Tuohy, Buddhist teachers Barbara Dowd, Carolyn Davis
Contact 508-215-9469 ; meets in the Hayward Room