FRSUU Events Calendar

This calendar lists FRSUU activities inside our buildings and in the community. It also shows when FRSUU spaces are being reserved by outside groups. Click on an event to see its location and more information.

If you need to reserve space space for your meeting or event, please fill out [this form].

For questions regarding church ministry related events and meetings, please contact the Church Administrator at

For external inquiries including private events and rentals please contact

Racial Justice Task Force

Be there to create plans for the present and capitalize on the energy of last year’s work: we generated so many ideas!

Reading Fredrick Douglass Together

Brown Square Brown Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

The Museum of Old Newbury and First Religious Society Unitarian Universalist will host an in-person community reading of Frederick Douglass's impassioned 1852 speech, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Lend your voice to this powerful participatory event. We will gather near the Garrison statue in Brown Square, Newburyport. Seating is limited - please bring a chair or blanket to the reading Please visit the eventbrite page for more information:

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