Update on dates and times.
Music is important to our congregation! As you may be aware we have hired an interim Director of Church Music for the current church year to allow Rev. Rebecca to be closely involved in choosing the next Director of Church Music. Over this year, we will work together to find just the right person to fill this critical role. We are initiating the search process early in the church year in order to allow ample time for input from all of you. We hope to engage the congregation in articulating our vision for the future music ministry.

Rev. Rebecca, with input from the Parish Board, has assembled a Director of Church Music (DCM) Search Task Force consisting of Rev. Rebecca, Hugh Martinez (current choir member), Bettina Turner (current choir member), Forrest Speck (former choir and Candlelight Chorale member), Leslie Lawrence (co-chair of the Human Resources Subcommittee), Stan Barrett (FRS Affiliate Minister) and Kristen Fehlhaber (FRS Director of Finance and Administration).

Time Frame:
The first step in this hiring process was initiated this week with the posting of the position on key job boards and email listservs used by church organists, music directors, choir directors and UU musicians. The closing date for applications is January 7, 2019 with the goal of having our new Director of Church Music identified and committed by April 2019 (with a start date of August).

Opportunities for Input:
The DCM Search Task Force will build on the work done during previous searches (including the 2016 congregational survey on musical preferences and desires) but also provide new opportunities for input including:

• Two opportunities for interested Congregation members and lay leaders to meet with DCM Search Task Force members to share their perspectives on:
o Sunday, December 2, 2018 at 12:15pm in the Lower Meeting House.
o Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 6:30 pm in the Lower Meeting House in conjunction with the next Program Council meeting.

• A specific meeting between the choir members, Reverend Rebecca and the DCM Task Force on December 6, 2018 from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the lower meetinghouse classrooms A&B.
• A brief follow-up survey may be sent to congregation members to capture the thoughts of those who could not attend a face-to-face meeting.
• Speaking directly with one of the DCM Search Task Force members to share questions, ideas or concerns (see names and contact information below).

Reverend Rebecca Bryan
Stan Barrett, 978.407.0222.
Kristen Fehlhaber, 978.465.0602 x404
Leslie Lawrence, 617.543.5258
Hugh Martinez, 781.801.2738
Forrest Speck, 978.360.8235
Bettina Turner

We look forward to our partnership in creating and actualizing a vision of our shared music ministry.

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