By Nicole Salemi, Director of Community Engagement and Kristen Fehlhaber, Director of Finance and Administration
The church is excited to announce live streaming of Sunday worship services which will debut with the November 11th service. Live stream capability makes a direct video feed of worship services available to anyone with internet access and a smart phone, tablet or computer.
“This is another example of how we can be inclusive and welcoming,” said Rev. Rebecca. “Imagine all ages watching—including those who are recuperating from illness or are no longer driving, to those who are away at college, or have moved out of the area—joined by those who are checking us out and learning more about our faith!”
To access the live stream, go to the FRS YouTube channel,, either through your internet browser or through your YouTube app on your phone and/or tablet. Once on FRS’ channel, click on “Videos” and then select the “First Religious Society Unitarian Universalist Live Stream” for that Sunday. If you would like to receive notification from YouTube when the live stream begins, make sure to click on the bell icon next to the “SUBSCRIBE” button on the YouTube page. You will be notified by email of new live streams as well as other new content posted to the FRS YouTube Channel.
With the live streaming video camera located on the balcony in front of the organ, viewers will see the pulpit, chancel (the stage under the pulpit) and the first couple pews of the church when the camera is aimed forward, and the choir loft when it is angled toward the choir. Predominantly, the camera will be focused on the pulpit and the chancel. At times it will focus on the piano and choir when they are singing from the front of the church, or the organ and the choir when they sing from the choir loft.
In addition to the live streaming, the sound system is equipped with a hearing loop system that can integrate with hear aids. (Read “Preparing Your Hearing Aids for Sunday Service” for more information.)
For individuals who do not have hearing aids but could benefit from some hearing assistance, we have five headsets that connect into the system and amplify the sounds. You may use our on-ear headphones or bring your own ear buds. These headsets can be requested in the sound booth. If you try one out and like it, you may purchase your own personal Peavey receiver through Amazon.
The majority of the sound system equipment is located in the back pew of the Sanctuary to the left of the door upon exiting. Many staff have been trained on the system and can provide answers to questions you might have. During the week, Kristen Fehlhaber, Director of Finance and Administration, is available to answer questions on the system. On Sundays, the sound booth is manned by Rob Close, a friend of FRS and sound system engineer, who may be able to answer a quick question before or after services.
Due to the complexity of the sound system and the various pieces of equipment, we ask that individuals refrain from attempting to make adjustments to the equipment. If for any reason, you feel you need assistance with the sound system, we respectfully as that you seek out a staff member and not try yourself.
Live streaming capability is the final stage of the sound system installation project that was approved by the congregation last June at the church’s annual meeting. A culmination of nearly six months of installation, testing and tweaking, the sound system/live streaming project has been made possible due to the time and dedication of Rob Close.
“It was a stroke of luck that Rob Close started coming to our congregation,” said Kristen Fehlhaber. “He generously offered his expertise to design the system, and helped us install it at a fraction of the potential market cost. We are so fortunate that he is willing to continue to help us as we get more experience with what the sound and video system can do.”
The system has been completely funded by the Bailey Fund, created in 2004 by FRS after receiving a gift from long-time member Eleanor Bailey. The fund is designated for capital improvement projects. The expenditure for this project was approved in the June annual meeting.
Moving forward, we would like to have a team of people trained to cover the recording duties and help us take advantage of new opportunities as they come up. If you would like to be trained in using the sound system and streaming and be part of an audio–visual ministry team, please reach out to Kristen Fehlhaber,