Attention members and friends using hearing aids. To take advantage of the teleloop sound system installed in our sanctuary this summer, follow the steps outlined below: 

  • Check if your hearing aids have the telecoil feature. You may need to contact your audiologist. 
  • If so, make an appointment with your audiologist to have it enabled. Your audiologist will explain how to turn it on/off, using either a button on your hearing aids and/or with the cell phone that controls your hearing aids. 
  • Your audiologist may ask whether you want your hearing aid microphones turned on or off, while the telecoil is on. Consider whether you want to hear the service only and block out all sounds not coming through the sound system, or be able to talk with folks sitting near you and hear the service. 

When you come to your first worship service, sit in one of the center sections on either side of the main aisle, because that is where the teleloop has been installed. 

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