Zoom, 7-8pm. In February and March, the FRS Anti-Racism Team will be hosting a congregational-wide read and facilitated discussion of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson. Please use this Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91474396125?pwd=Hb4rOfDTM4SOf8lB7oaQniSqJS3Xoo.1 Meeting ID: 914 7439 6125 Passcode: 872118 A Facilitated Group Discussion in Six Sessions: Monday, February 3 - In Person, 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary (please note the first and last meetings are in person so therefore appear on the calendar differently) Sunday, February 9 - Zoom, 7:00 PM Monday, February 24 - Zoom, 7:00 PM Monday, March 10 - Zoom, 7:00 PM Monday, March 24 - Zoom, 7:00 PM Monday, March 31 - In Person, 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary (please note the first and last meetings are in person so therefore appear on the calendar differently) In each session we will have discussion questions that address specific sections of the book and help us better understand how we as a community can live into the 8th Principle we adopted in 2024. Books are available for purchase at the Jabberwocky Bookstore in Newburyport, to borrow at the Newburyport Library, and a small amount are available at church. If you would like to participate, but need support with the cost of the book, please speak with Rev. Laurel Gray (revlaurel.gray@frsuu.org). We will have a small number of books available at no cost. Join us in this important journey by signing up, either in the Parish Hall or online @: https://forms.office.com/r/qiKFq8Azab