The Expo will take place on April 11, 4-8pm at the R.A. Nock Middle School, 70 Low Street, Newburyport. 

The purpose of the Green Expo is to encourage a broader dialogue in our community about the direction the city is taking with regards to energy, waste, and resiliency; showcase the political support for change; present activities in schools regarding infrastructure changes (e.g. solar panels, composting, etc.) and environmental education; increase visibility of businesses that are offering jobs, services and products to our community; and the non-profit groups that are encouraging us to be better stewards of our environment. Information about the event can be found online or on Facebook at “Greater-Newburyport-Green-Expo”.  People of all ages are encouraged to attend, and we are looking for volunteers to help with the set-up and clean-up. Contact Bill Clary, 918-645-7525 (yes, 918), The FRS Climate Action Project (CAP) is a founding group of the Greater Newburyport Green Expo.

Volunteer to help with the upcoming 2019 Greater Newburyport Green Expo! 

The Green Expo is nearly here! We still need some volunteers for the day of. The Expo will be held on Thursday, April 11, at the Nock Middle School, 70 Low Street, Newburyport, 4-8pm. 

Volunteers are needed for the following activities and time periods: 

  • 3-4:30pm – Offload and Set-Up: Personnel to offload, move and assemble plywood top folding tables in the Gym, Cafeteria and Hallway, as well as place table clothes on assembled tables and move chairs into place. 
  • 3-8pm – Parking Directors: Work outside around the school property directing vehicles to acceptable drop-off and parking areas. 
  • 3-8pm – Information and Direction Personnel: Working inside at one of the information tables and/or walking the event answering question or directing attendees to exhibits and events. 
  • 8-9:30pm – Breakdown: Personnel to help disassemble the plywood top folding tables and move them to the gym to stack, remove table clothes and return them to the gym as well as return chairs to their given location. 

Even if you cannot work the total time period listed for an activity but would like to help, please register for what time you can. We’d love to have you join us! Please email your name, the activity or activities you would like to help us with and what times work best for you to email addresses; and 

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