Unitarians may take the summer off, but the issues facing our nation continue on. One of these 

issues is the policy of ICE and the detention of undocumented persons, some of whom have 

lived and worked in this country for years. The Unitarian Universalist Association has joined 

other faith organizations in protesting this policy and asks us to live our principles through 

action. So what can you do? Over the summer, there are two actions a month you can 

participate in. On the third Tuesday of each month at 1pm a group of faith leaders and 

concerned citizens gather outside the ICE offices in Burlington for a Jericho Walk. A Jericho 

Walk is a silent march through the neighborhood and around the ICE building. On the last 

Sunday of the month, faith leaders and citizens gather at the South Bay Detention Center in 

Boston and stand outside the area of the detention center that houses people picked up by ICE. 

This show of support is strongly anticipated and appreciated by the detainees, who appear at 

the windows to wave and post messages. Those who are going meet in the church parking lot 

and drive down together for the events. If you are interested in attending, contact Susan Cooper . 

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