Nominations close Sunday, April 7!

Please help us identify the next recipient(s) of the Steeple Award, recognizing outstanding service to FRS! Make a nomination online or fill out a paper form – they are located with the drop boxes in the vestibule and the Lower Meetinghouse (near the Chalice Circle room).   

Your nomination will be received by a small committee of Parish Board members formed for this purpose. Considerations for choosing an award recipient will include level and amount of service to the congregation, taking on special and/or important tasks, leadership during a difficult time, and attitude. Recent recipients include Florence and John Mercer, Linda Tulley, and Bettina Turner. You can see other past recipients names engraved on slate tablets in the vestibule.   

If you want to nominate more than one person, please fill out the form a second time. Nominations will close on April 7. Thank you!   

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