Sep 24, 2019 | Climate Action, Events
Friday, October 4, Climate Action Project potluck. Lower Meeting House, 6:30-8:30pm. Bring a friend or two and join us for an informative and thought-provoking evening. Bring food and beverages to share, visit with friends and listen in on presentations from...
Mar 20, 2019 | Climate Action, Events
Sunday, March 24, Lower Meeting House Public, 11:45am. Join the FRS Youth Group and young members of the Gulf of Maine Institute (GOMI) in a lively, collective multi-generation conversation on “Taking care of yourself and others during extreme weather”. Led and...
Mar 19, 2019 | Climate Action, Events
The Expo will take place on April 11, 4-8pm at the R.A. Nock Middle School, 70 Low Street, Newburyport. The purpose of the Green Expo is to encourage a broader dialogue in our community about the direction the city is taking with regards to energy, waste, and...
Jan 20, 2019 | Climate Action, Events
Friday, January 25 Congregation pot luck supper hosted by Climate Action Project. Parish Hall, 1st floor, 6:30pm. Come sample some excellent food, hear a guest speaker on the case for off-shore wind power, and share your own creative thoughts and ideas about dealing...