Jan 13, 2020 | Events, minister, Worship
Wednesday, January 22, Sanctuary and Lower Meeting House, noon-1:30pm. The Wizards and Sages will meet every 4th Wednesday of the month. We start in the sanctuary with a brief worship service led this month by Director of Faith Formation and Spiritual Exploration...
Dec 19, 2019 | minister, Worship
On December 25 join Rev. Rebecca and Interfaith Clergy for this brief community gathering. 4pm, Market Square, Newburyport
Nov 27, 2019 | minister, Service, Worship
Our Faith in Action Does the solstice have meaning to you? Have you ever wanted to help create a worship service? Rev. Rebecca and Justin are looking for you to help design and lead a winter solstice service. This is the Sunday December 22nd morning worship...